Why Every Woman Deserves a Love Letter—Especially on Valentine's Day

Don’t forget to say ‘I love you’ to a very important person in your world — you

Dear amazing women juggling careers, motherhood, and everything in between:

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and amidst the chaos of daily life, it's easy to forget to prioritize the most important person in your world—you.

In the hustle and bustle of work deadlines and parenting duties, taking a moment to show yourself some love might seem like a luxury, but let me assure you, it's a necessity. That's why this Valentine's Day, I encourage you to pick up a pen and write yourself a love letter. Yes, a love letter.

Now, I get it. Writing a love letter to yourself might sound a bit unconventional, but hear me out. Amid your busy life, it's crucial to pause and acknowledge your strength, resilience, and the incredible job you're doing in managing it all. A love letter to yourself is a celebration of the amazing woman you are—both as a professional and as a mom.

But why a love letter? Well, for one, it's a powerful act of self-affirmation. In those moments when you doubt yourself or feel overwhelmed, a love letter becomes a tangible reminder of your capabilities and worth. It's a chance to reflect on your achievements, both big and small, and appreciate the incredible journey you're on.

Now here’s how to make the experience something you’ll want to continue doing year after year. Write it on something special, like a personalized notecard, with a nice pen (like this one — it writes like a literal dream). Maybe you pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine and turn on your favorite music. Make it a proper date!

Photo of a notecard personalized with the name "Anna Chang." The notecard has a pink scallop border and is sitting on top of an array of flowers.

Pink Wavy Scallop & Chinoiserie Notecard

Why? Because there's something undeniably empowering about putting pen to paper on beautiful, unique sheets. Not to mention, you’ll have a physical memento that you can tuck away in a keepsake box and look back on in years to come.

Sweet friend, whatever it is you decide to do this Valentine's Day, it's my hope that you treat yourself the way you'd treat someone you really love—because you deserve it.

With love,

Hollis Gallagher

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