How to Set Up Your Holiday Wrapping Station Like a Pro
Professional organizer Jennings King of Space Maker Professional shares what you can do to streamline your wrapping process and make the season even merrier.
Jennings King of Space Maker Professional in Charleston, SC.
As the holiday season approaches, many of us find ourselves excitedly accumulating gifts for friends and family. However, along with the joy of gift-giving comes the inevitable task of wrapping those presents.
An organized wrapping space can make all the difference in turning this chore into a fun and festive experience. To gain expert insights, we spoke with Jennings King of Space Maker Professional, a professional organizer who creates physical, mental and digital spaces for working and life-ing that optimize efficiency and fulfillment.
What are the key components of an effective holiday wrapping station?
It's best to ensure your wrapping station is easily accessible and can hold all the materials you need in one place so you don't have to go looking for tape in one space, scissors in another, etc. This is meant to make your holiday gifting easier so you can stress less and get wrapping done quicker! The other thing I love to do is have white or craft bags stocked in my wrapping station so the decorative part can be either tissue paper, ribbon or gift tags, which are smaller, lighter and easier to store!
What creative solutions do you suggest for people who don’t have a dedicated space for wrapping gifts?
This is the best part of my recommendations! There are a variety of options now in many different sizes of storage levels to meet your specific needs keeping in mind your space. For these options, I love that everything you need in one place--including large rolls of wrapping paper! I've rounded up some of my favorites and the ones I recommend to my clients, including a hanging wrapping station you can store in any closet (it's lightweight, durable and has a lot of compartments! I personally use this one!).
What is your go-to method for organizing wrapping paper and smaller items, like gift tags, ribbons, and bows?
First, figure out where you're going to be storing your wrapping station. The space you determine will help you narrow your options for what you have room for. Maybe you just have a closet so a hanging sorter will be best, or maybe you really want to set up a year-round wrapping solution so you can keep more items together.
Second, with your storage space identified you can easily figure out what kinds of wrapping you want to keep handy and what would be the most convenient for wrapping time. For ranges in sizes, shapes and weights, I try to keep as many items separated in its own compartment as much as I can so nothing gets tangled or damaged.
What steps do you recommend taking after the holidays to ensure everything remains organized for the next year?
Replenish and restore right away! It's probably the last thing you want to do, but with holiday sales, you'll be saving your future self from paying full price and get fully restocked so wrapping essentials won't even need to be on your shopping list.
What inspired you to become a professional organizer?
I've always prioritized being an organized person. It's something that comes so naturally to me and I love to do it! I knew photography wasn't going to be my forever career and this opportunity kind of fell into my lap. I woke up one day really excited about the idea and never looked back! I'm so happy to have made the switch so I can spend more time with my family while still helping people. I also get really giddy about office supplies-- so it's very much a win, win!
Do you have a favorite holiday tradition that brings you joy?
I love a traditional advent calendar with the chocolates inside as well as eating my hometown of Greensboro, North Carolina’s neighbors homemade fudge. Can you tell I like chocolate? I also love waiting to put Christmas presents under the tree until a day or two before!
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